Feminine Power: the divine to the demonic
the British Museum
© The Trustees of the British Museum
‘Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic’ is the first major exhibition focusing on depictions of feminine power and divinity throughout history.
From ancient goddesses to contemporary representations, the exhibition features over 80 artefacts spanning 8000 years, from across six continents, inviting visitors to consider what feminine power means to them.
Beam worked closely with exhibition designer Peter Macdermid and museum curators to develop an elegant overall scheme that echoed and enhanced the thematic sections within the gallery space.
Subtly balanced coloured accent lighting was used to immerse visitors in each theme as they move through the exhibition, while integrated setworks lighting was designed throughout the space.
To foreground and highlight the treasured objects, Beam developed a standardized lighting approach that both directed focus to the artefacts and created a cohesive visual experience.